Have you heard the joke about two university students talking to each other?
- Do you already speak Chinese?
- Why are you asking this? Do we have the exam tomorrow?
Also in consideration of the above joke we think and we are confident that the very special areas of law cannot be learned and mastered overnight, because they are too complicated and there are too many practical examples and cases. However the adequate representation of our clients’ interests and the provision of legal counsel are based on in-depth knowledge and experience in the given area of law, which can only be acquired in long years or even decades of practical experience.
With regard to this in the following area of our website we have highlighted the individual areas of law in which our team has acquired the above mentioned in-depth knowledge and experience and you can also read the summary of our thoughts and our remarks concerning the given area, if you choose from the menu on the left side of the screen.
Should you have any questions regarding an area of law or if you would like to talk to us about a given legal problem, please do not hesitate to contact us using the Write us menu item or any of our addresses or numbers listed in Contacts menu! We are at your disposal!
Family Law
As from the point of view of law life starts, even if conditionally, at the time of conception, so it becomes necessary for all of us to create and maintain our and our family’s security. Nowadays even this area of law requires choosing the right legal solution before the decision is made.
Our law firm provides legal aid to our clients in making these decisions. Such are the marriage and common-law marriage contracts or the termination of these (community of life and property), often called divorce, court procedures regarding child custody as well as the enforcement of maintenance claims.
We furthermore have practical experiences in representation in guardianship processes, the preparation of testaments, inheritance contracts and gift contracts for death as well as representation in inheritance procedures, but we are also available to assist you in the enforcement of inheritance claims in court.
Litigation (Arbitration)
It is inculcated into the minds of every lawyer already during the university years that every legal dispute is based on a conflict. If a conflict arises between the parties in a legal relationship, than according to the experiences it is advisable to settle this by common accord by the parties and if this shall bring no results the parties will still have the possibility to settle their dispute with the help of a mediator.
After having tried the above options there is usually only the court procedure left to decide the legal dispute. It is a characteristic of the court procedures that instead of what is thought to be the truth it is not necessarily true that the party is going to win which sees its truth to have been proven, but the one of which legal representative is able to state the standpoint of the party represented in such a convincing way and with such suggestive force that as a result of this the judge or the council of judges – knowing the whole of the case – will have the possibility to deliver a (just) verdict.
Our law firm assists its clients with great experience in enforcing claims independently whether it is a classic case for compensation for damages or a property law, a family law, a labour law, industrial protection law, enforcement law or press rectification procedure etc.
Due to the use of the institution of the so called acquiescence used by the parties typically in commercial and economic law our law firm has experience in the legal representation in so called arbitration procedures, therefore if you should have any such questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Coporate Law
In the world of today the capital as one form of material assets has a very important role in economic life and as such in greater quantities it makes possible for its owners and investors to achieve serious results. The recognition of this urged the legislators to set up rules and regulations for the founding, operation and termination etc. of legal personalities with an economic goal, typically that of achieving profits. In the Hungarian legal system of today two different acts deal with the special provisions of court procedures regarding companies and regarding the termination and insolvency (bankruptcy, liquidation) procedures against companies.
The most common company forms in Hungary are betéti társaság (approx. limited partnership), korlátolt felelősségű társaság (approx. limited liability company) and részvénytársaság (approx. stock corporation). With regard to the operation of these and other organizations and company forms – typically setting up partnerships – (such as foundations, associations etc.) we offer the following quick and flexible company law services to our clients.
Real Estate (Property)
It is often heard that the never ending disputes between people started when many centuries ago someone railed off his land, excluding others from acting freely on that land. One thing is sure at any rate, property has become one of the most protected values in modern legal systems.
Generations pass the assets acquired onto each other and that results in the increasing value of real properties as assets securing value.
Our law firm has a lot of experience and not only in drawing up the classic sale and purchase agreements, but we can also answer questions regarding the special characteristics of the different types of real property (flats, family homes, residential communities, condominiums, agricultural land etc.), the answers to which - we are convinced of that - make the decisions for our clients significantly more secure and understandable.
Labour Law
The time has come in modern Hungary, when both the employers and the employees act ever more consciously in the course of establishing, maintaining and terminating a legal relationship between them.
Notwithstanding the above statement, it is our experience that our clients mostly only ask for our opinion after the decision has already been made and not before that happens. This results unfortunately in the fact that the consequences of an erroneous decision cannot be modified or withdrawn unilaterally, because the Hungarian labour law does not allow this.
The legal consequences of erroneous decisions definitely mean big financial risks for one of the parties. For the prevention of these situations or the minimization of the negative consequences of such decisions our law firm offers you its services with our long years of experience and practice in settling these issue in and out of court.
Intellectual Property Rights (IP)
We have been telling for a long while that besides the geniality of other nations of humanity the “Hungarian grey matter” regularly produces such creations and works, of which protection is in the fundamental interests of their creators.
No matter what form of intellectual property, our law firm would gladly represent you in legal matters of intellectual property right (e.g. licence agreements) and industrial property right (so especially trade mark protection, patents, designs, utility models as well as geographical indications).
Our law firm has practical experience in successful representations in claim enforcement procedures regarding intellectual property rights and industrial property rights (e.g. unlawful appropriation) and therefore we can assist you in these matters, too.
Trade Law
As a result of globalization the international trade is at least equally important as the traditional national (domestic) trade. Due to their special liability and risks systems however international transactions require a great deal of experience from both the merchants and the partners.
The uncertainty of the applicable law and thus the valid regulations for the given transaction makes the elaboration of the so called “General conditions and terms” regarding the legal relationship of the parties extremely important. Our law firm has great experience in both checking and drawing up these general terms and we are happy to be able to assist you in these matters, too.
As a result of having recognized this our law firm has provided our clients with successful legal services for decades in the world of trade, regarding the joint interpretation of customs, usances (INCOTERMS) and legal provisions during the conclusion of agreements, in the settlement of possible legal disputes and even in the enforcement of the claims in court, if needed.
Claims and Debt Management
It is unfortunately a fact that independently from financial crisis situations the unpaid claims represent an ever returning problem for both private persons and companies. Our law firm draws the attention of all its clients to the practical experience that the longer one waits to turn to a professional experienced in managing claims, the more time the debtor has to rescue or hide his assets from enforcement.
On the basis of this experience made by us we offer our clients the fastest possible methods for enforcing claims in order to collect the claims as soon as possible.
Mergers and Acquisitions
In the course of a colloquially called “company acquisition” it is absolutely necessary for the success to know the Hungarian local factors en details. Our law firm is ready to survey the companies to be bought with the help of professional accountants and to identify the risks of the transaction, furthermore we are also happy to plan the legal solutions and to present and of course to examine and verify these en details.
In the framework of such tasks our law firm prudently revises all legal affairs of the company to be bought and draws up reports with the results of this due diligence with as many details as wished by the client.
Media Law
We cannot speak about media law as one of traditional branches of law. Media law is not unified by one codex, since the relevant legislation either contains regulations of constitutional law, public law, criminal law and civil law. Media law basically is a classification of those legislations which are relevant in the aspect of media’s operation.
Our law firm with having the experience and knowledge of this legislation - e.g. the relevant rules on advertising, on the content of online media, or on press correction etc. - is at its clients kind disposal in their related tasks.
Data Protection (GDPR)
Through our practical experiences from the last couple of years it has been confirmed that we were right when we told our clients that the questions of data protection have become a factor in Hungarian law that cannot be disregarded anymore.
The changes in this area of law, especially the overdue modification of the data protection act written in 1992 basically for the public sector which has only been amended at times, as well as the GDPR regulations of EU mean ever newer challenges for the persons and organizations living and working in Hungary.
Our law firm does not only have practical experience regarding the classical outsourcing (for the reduction of costs) and related data processing and data handling issues, but we have successfully represented our clients in the course of procedures against them by the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner (Ombudsman).
If you should have any such questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us!
In the world of today, not only in Hungary, but almost everywhere in the world, financing has become a very important area, where usually the necessity arises to use external sources for ensuring operations, investments and development of private persons and companies.
In this area both the financing and the financed party have to invest money and have financial decisions to make on a daily basis. All of these decisions have direct consequences for the future development of the obligations of the financed party.
The economic and financial crisis felt by all of us has drawn the attention to the importance of the financial decisions and their legal aspects. Knowing these and the future obligations en details is of the utmost importance.
Since entering the area of financing means a change of the assets and sources or both of the private and corporate equities, our law firm offers you long years of experience and legal counselling services in this regard.
Public Law
Have you ever had the feeling of being lost in the labyrinths of Hungarian official procedures?
In the special system of procedures of the administrative authorities only the accurate and as far as the content is concerned complete applications can ensure the obtaining of the goal set, typically obtaining a permission (e.g. building or operation permit) or a prohibition (protection of possession) or an obligation (e.g. the demolition of a building) by the authority.
If you would like to ask for legal help or counsel in realizing theses aims, please do not hesitate to contact us and ask your questions.
Infraction (Misdemeanor)
Infraction proceedings aim at ensuring quick and successful response against such violations of law, which compared to a criminal offence endanger or violate the norms of the generally accepted living together to a lesser degree.
Our law firm successfully represents our clients in the course of the whole of the infraction proceedings, beginning with the examination of liability regarding the infraction, through the administrative procedures (authority competent in the given infraction case) and even in court.
If we can help you in these kinds of cases, please do not hesitate to contact us using any of our numbers or addresses.